Customer Testimonials

"Such a beautiful place and workers were totally awesome!!!"    ~ Terry M.

"Had a super awesome time again this last weekend! Very friendly and fun! I was really impressed with how healthy and good the meal was as well. Can't wait to go back."    Christopher F.

"The 4-H Center is a wonderful place for conferences...we were met with great cooperation, food and attention to details and things we needed.  I have already recommended it to several people and will recommend it to others!"   ~ Joan H.

"What a great facility, rooms so clean, conference space so accommodating. Food was tremendous and nothing but praises to say about customer service. Thank you!"     ~ Allen N.

"The Arkansas 4-H Center is a wonderful facility with all differnt kinds of activities.  They have a great staff and instill purpose to people - be they 4-Hers or corporate visitors.  They teach people how to be a team - they make the best better!" ~ Laure T.

"Leadership Randolph County chose to bring the first meeting of our first class to the Arkansas 4-H Center and we were very impressed! Luke, Taylor and Casey were all wonderful and very accommodating. I personally could not have done the zip line if it were not for Casey talking me through it and reassuring me every step of the way. We will definitely bring our future classes to the Center."  ~  Wendy F.

people celebrating and jumping into the airOther happy visitors said:

"This place is unbelievably terrific."

"Enjoy it every time I come, excellent staff from the desk to housekeeping."

"Very pleasantly surprised."

"The greatest customer service. Thank you!"